
About Me

Hi, I'm Lindsay!  Welcome to my blog!  I'm a Carolina girl that lives in Baltimore (hon!).  My husband and I (married in October 2014) have two little dogs, Mugsy (a Shorkie) & Lucy (a Pomapoo). Come November, our lives will be changing quite a bit as we prepare to welcoming our baby girl into the world.  I love all things beauty, style, hair - unfortunately all the hours spent watching YouTube tutorials is a lost cause on me. :)  I really like shopping... but I love finding great deals even more! Especially now that I can add baby clothes to the departments I get to frequent! I go through spurts of enjoying cooking (baking... not so much)!  I like crafting and I have recently gotten really into making homemade cards.

I don't know if anyone else will find any of my blabberings, but I think it would be fun to capture my journey and welcome you to join.


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