
Sunday, March 6, 2016

Pregnancy Style: Weeks 32 - 35

Maternity tank, Target // Cozy cardigan, Barefoot Dreams // Maternity Pixie Pants, Old Navy // Audrey Brook flats, DSW
I splurged and got this SUPER COZY cardigan during the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale. I figured this would be perfect to pack in my hospital bag in the case I needed to walk the halls to get the baby moving and afterwards to throw over my oh-so-sexy hospital gown when visitors came. It's great to lounge around the house in, but cute enough to go run errands in - as I did on this particular Saturday during week 32.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Must Haves for the Nursing Mom

Boppy Pillow  //  I prefer the boppy to other nursing pillows because these can also be used while bottle-feeding, support under your visitors' arms when craddling your little precious baby, or as a neck pillow during those late-night zombie feedings. I am especially loving this cover from Iviebaby's shop on Etsy or these simple, soft covers from Pottery Barn.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Must Haves in the First 3 Months

Stroller frame  //  Picking up the stroller frame that fit our infant seat was the best decision I made to help simplify traveling. With the infant seat being 14-lbs. itself plus an 8-lb. baby, there was no way I could haul a bulky stroller with an infant set adapter in and out of the car easily - it also has a nice sized basket too! I plan to use this all the time until my baby's neck stability is strong enough to ride in our forward-facing BOB stroller, and even beyond for convenience.